Saturday, December 31, 2011

Inge Pall RIP

RIP Inge Pall, born Sluka, July 12 1924 to December 31 2011, husband Johannes Pall + 1978, 5 children: Edda, Walter, Inge+, Olga, Elisabeth
My mother always supported my decision to do bonsai.
Last image as of 4 days ago.

Monday, December 26, 2011

This was a little bit of Fun done for Christmas by Tony Tickle and first seen on the Internet Bonsai club 12 months ago. Reproduced this year on facebook.
Thank you Tony Tickle.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Japanese beech #2

Japanese beech, Fagus creanta.
Some may wonder why I make the tree so much uglier after it looked quite good already.
Well, most amateurs would never do this, I understand. They want their trees to look their best all the time. So their trees don't really improve a lot. I believe that I can still improve this beech and accept that it will look ugly with these guy wires for one to two years. If I have done the right thing now the tree will be clearly better then. Even award winning show ready trees can be improved and should be. The better is the enemy of the good.
Last image, the tree as of 2007 in spring.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wild cherry #9

Wild cherry, Prunus mahaleb. Pot by John Pitt too small. Second image virtual with larger pot. This is already commissioned to John Pitt.

European beech #7

European beech, Fagus sylvatica, second image as of 1998

Japanese maple #5 wired

Japanese maple, Acer palmatum

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Willi Benz has left us

Willi Benz has left us yesterday. We will never forget him.